Charis & Co New Moon crystalline soy candle

New Moon intention setting with Charis & Co

New beginnings abound with New Moon energies. 

I love New Moon energies, they come around every 28/29 days and are amazing to set thoughtful intentions for future endeavours and goal setting. 

I enjoy this time to regroup with my vision board, adding to it or subtracting what has already manifested and giving thanks for receiving. 

Here is some simple guidance to get started (as time goes on you can intuitively add to this)

1-Intention is everything. It's about bringing together what you would like to attract into your World, so first create a sacred space where you won't be disturbed to muse and visualise. Smudge and clean the area (great time to also let go of items etc.) bring into your cleansed space crystals, soft music, paper, colouring pencils/pens, sage or incense

2-With the sacred space set. Light a candle and get yourself comfortable sitting or lying down. Music on and crystals nearby

3-Now let yourself relax and focus on your breath, allowing your mind to form the visualisation you would like to bring into the physical. Feel it in your Heart chakra energy as though it is already here

4-Breathing into the Heart chakra, feeling the visualisation, ask your Guides or Angels or Universal energy to take the vision and with Gratitude bring it into being

5-Now you can use the paper and pencils to write or draw your vision. When you have finished put the paper somewhere you will see it every day and affirm out loud "with gratitude this is my vision brought into my reality" 

6-Remain open to receiving the opportunities and signs from the Universe saying 'it's coming together' feel it in your Heart chakra. 

If this has inspired you please consider my coffee shout found here


  Greenery New Moon Image: Opia designs studio-under commercial license

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