Upcycling with Charis & Co
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Here at Charis & Co, it's been super important to us to make sure we have little impact on the planet, to be aware not only of the best ingredients for my products but also, how you our customers can also benefit from having packaging that can be reused.
We pride ourselves on maintaining sustainable practices. This includes reusing boxes and packing materials when sending items.
It just takes a different perspective to visualise how the glass can be upcycled into something great, with little to no effort. While most of the glassware can be recycled, take a new look at it after a good soapy wash and reuse or upcycle it.
Ideas can be simple like a bud vase, propagation for plant cuttings, herbs in the smaller jars. Or you can contact me for a refill and keep the spray/pump attachment.
Now some items in our range do have hard plastic pumps or spray attachments, but they have been researched thoroughly and do not contain petrochemicals. I encourage upcycling as much as possible, with an eye towards the near future for an exchange delivery system and rebates on returns.
I hope this has given you a new perspective on those glass bottles from me?